
Symptoms Of Severe Sinus Disease


Sinuses are mucous filled cavities in the head which help reduce the weight of the skull, insulate it and resonate the voice. There are four sinus cavities, the sphenoid, the ethmoid, the frontal and the maxillary. Sinus infection is the inflammation of the lining of these cavities due to an infection or allergy. Severe sinus disease can also create life threatening situations.

A normal sinus infection can last from ten days to three weeks. A severe sinus disease can go up to three months. There are several symptoms associated with sinusitis. Some of them are low grade fever, headache, jaw pain, facial tendness and swelling. Bad breath and bad taste are also common in case of sinusitis.

Bad taste is caused due to infected post nasal drip which flows into the mouth through the nasal cavity. The tiny hair like structures called cilia which line the nasal cavity push this mucous into the throat. The mucous is swallowed. The acids in the stomach destroy the harmful bacteria present in the mucous.

Although sinusitis is fairly easy to diagnose, doctors also prescribe tests like MRI, CT scan and X-rays to confirm it. The beginning of sinus is exactly the same as that of a common cold, but if the cold refuses to go away after five to seven days, a patient should see the doctor because this could be the beginning of a severe sinus disease.

Sinus can be cured by medication. Certain cases of severe sinus disease may also require surgery. Acute sinusitis can also cause temporary blindness, double vision or blurred vision.

A typical character of sinus is a greenish yellow nasal discharge which is filled with pus and is also blood tinged at times. Although fever is a symptom associated with sinus, it occurs in very rare cases. Toothache which increases on bending is also common in case of sinus.

Sinus should be cured as early as possible. Allowing the sinus to aggravate can cause unnecessary complications. For example, infected mucous entering the lungs can cause life threatening situations. Severe sinus disease can also cause discharge of blood from the nose which can be life threatening. Here, a doctor should be consulted at the first sign of sinus symptoms.

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