- Easy identification of contents through the transparent, puncture-resistant, non-tearing, blue-tinted plastic film.
- Provides visual confidence that sterilization is achieved and maintained.
- Strong and secure side seal protects against instrument breaching.
- High-quality porous medical-grade paper.
- Clean, fiber-free separation of paper and film, when opened, ensures safe presentation of sterile products.
- To prevent cross-contamination reels are individually wrapped.
- Compatible with steam and ethylene oxide sterilization methods.
- Sterilization reel works perfect with a heat sealer to get converted into a pouch, the size can be chosen as per instrument. reel works great to reduce waste and is systematically rolled for easy usage. reel measures 200mm with a variety of sizes.
- Sterilization reels and pouches are used in preventing ink pigmentation.
- They have an extra reinforced layer film used to avoid tears during openings.
- They have protective dust covers for increased protection of sterile packs during distribution and storage.
- They are used to package extra-long products.
Key Specifications
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