It is a safe, painless alternative to traditional cavity drilling procedure
Ideally e- SDFhelps in Preventing and arresting dental caries & immediate relief from dentinal hypersensitivity
Research on use of Silver Diamine Fluoridesaysexposure toone drop ofSDF orally would result in less fluoride ion contentthan ispresent in a 0.25 mLtopical treatment of fluoride varnish. The exact amount of silver and fluoride present in one drop ofSDF is determined by the specific gravity of the liquid and thedropper used.
Themain disadvantage of SDFis its esthetic result (i.e., permanently blackens enamel and dentinal caries lesions andcreates a temporary henna-appearing tattoo if allowed to comein contact with skin).Skin pigmentationistemporarysincethe silver does not penetrate the dermis
Practical Applications in the following cases:
Direction to Use
Carious dentin excavation prior to SDF application is not necessary. Caries dentin excavation may reduce proportion of arrested caries lesions that become black, and may be considered for esthetic purposes.
Functional indicator of effectiveness (i.e., caries arrest) is when staining on dentinal carious surfaces is visible
The following steps may vary depending on differing prac-tices, settings, and patients:
Practical recommendation:No need for surgical intervention(e.g., dentin excavation). SDF application is minimally invasiveand easy for the patient and the practitioner. It may be desirablefor the caries lesion to be free of gross debris for SDF to havemaximum contact with the affected dentin surface
Application time
An application time of one minute, drying with a gentle flowof compressed air, is recommended. Clinical studies that reportapplication times range from 10 seconds to three minutes. Acurrent review states that application time in clinical studiesdoes not correlate to outcome.24More studies are needed toconfirm an ideal protocol
No postoperative limitations are listed by the manufacturer.Eating and drinking immediately following application isacceptable. Patients may brush with fluoridated toothpaste asper regular routine following SDF application.Several SDF clinical trials recommended no eating or drink-ing for 30 minutes one hour.13,31,32As patients are used tothese recommendations for in-office topical fluoride applications,the recommendation may not be unreasonable to patients, andit may allow for better arrest results. More clinical studies areneeded to establish best practices
Application frequency:
The effectiveness of one-time SDF application in arresting dentalcaries lesions ranges from 47 percent to 90 percent, dependingon the lesion size and the location of the tooth and the lesion.One study showed that anterior teeth had higher rates ofcaries lesion arrest than posterior teeth
The effectiveness ofcaries lesion arrest, however, decreases over time. After a singleapplication of 38 percent SDF, 50 percent of the arrested sur-faces at six months had reverted to active lesions at 24 months.
Reapplication may be necessary to sustain arrest.Annualapplication of SDF is more effective in arresting caries lesionsthan application of five percent sodium fluoride varnish fourtimes per year.
Increasing frequency of application can increasecaries arrest rate. Biannual application of SDF increased the rateof caries lesion arrest compared to annual applicationStudiesthat had three times per year applications showed higher arrestrates.Frequency of application after baseline has beensuggested at three month follow up, and then semiannual recallvisits over two years
One option is to place SDF on activelesions in conjunction with fluoride varnish (FV) on the rest ofthe dentition, or alternate SDF on caries lesions and FV on therest of the dentition at three months interval to achieve arrestand prevention in high risk individuals.Another study recom-mends one month post operative evaluation of treated lesionswith optional reapplication as required to achieve arrest of alltargeted lesions.Individuals with high plaque index and lesionswith plaque present display lower rates of arrest. Addressingother risk factors like presence of plaque may increase the rate ofsuccessful treatment outcomes.
What is e-SDF?
In what all cases a dentist can use e-SDF?
What should be the application time?
How many times i can use it in a patient ? Does it have any harmful effect in oral cavity?
In patients with high caries risk:
In patients with moderate to low caries risk:
Yes, it does have few side effects:
Themain disadvantage of SDFis its esthetic result (i.e., permanently blackens enamel and dentinal caries lesions and creates a temporary henna-appearing tattoo if allowed to come in contact with skin).Skin pigmentationistemporarysince the silver does not penetrate the dermis
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