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  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya 100ml Pain Relief Oil
    Himalaya 100ml Pain Relief Oil Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    Enriched With Sweet Flag, Drumstick & Cedar Tree Extracts.

  • Himalaya’s Pain Relief Oil Provides Complete Relief From Neuromuscular Pain & the Pain Associated With Arthritis.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya 10g Strong Pain Balm (Pack of 20)
    Himalaya 10g Strong Pain Balm (Pack of 20) Original price was: $ 26.58.Current price is: $ 19.69.

    Key Features

    Naturally Enriched With the Goodness of Indian Winter Green, Mint & Chir Pine Oils.

  • Himalaya’s Pain Balm is a Quick-Acting Headache & Body Ache Reliever That Remedies Pain Naturally.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya 120ml Talekt Syrup
    Himalaya 120ml Talekt Syrup Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    Enhances the Immune Response to Dermal Infections.

  • Skin Disorders: Talekt’s Antimicrobial & Detoxifying Properties Combat Dermal Infections Caused by Gram-Positive & Gram-Negative Bacteria the Anti-Allergic Property of Talekt Controls Itching Associated With Dermal Infections & Allergies Enhances the Immune System: Talekt Enhances the Immune Response to Dermal Infections And, As a Result, Reduces the Risk of Relapse.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya 200ml Renalka Syrup
    Himalaya 200ml Renalka Syrup Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    Combats Pathological Disorders Like Urethritis & Cystitis.

  • Relieves Painful/Burning Urination: the Anti-Inflammatory & Analgesic Properties of Renalka Soothe the Inflamed Mucosa & Alleviate the Burning Sensation or Pain That Occurs During Urination Normalizes Ph Balance: the Ph of Urine Can Indicate Health Disorders a Very High (Alkaline) Urinary Ph Could Be Caused by Kidney Malfunction a Very Low (Acidic) Urine Ph Could Be the Result of An Urinary Tract Infection, Malnourishment, Diarrhea or Diabetic Complications Renalka Helps to Maintain a Normal Urinary Ph Balance.

    Diuretic Action: Renalka Increases Blood Flow in the Kidneys This, in Turn, Increases the Glomerular Filtration Rate (Gfr) the Gfr is Responsible For Increased Urine Output Renalka Combats Pathological Disorders Like Urethritis & Cystitis.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya 200ml Triphala Syrup
    Himalaya 200ml Triphala Syrup Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    100% Vegetarian.

  • Free From Sugar, Artificial Colors, Artificial Flavors, Preservatives & Gelatin.

    Supports Normal Detoxification of the Bowels & Aids Normal Bowel Movements.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya 200ml Tulasi Syrup
    Himalaya 200ml Tulasi Syrup Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    100% Vegetarian.

  • Free From Sugar, Artificial Colors, Artificial Flavors, Preservatives & Gelatin.

    Helps Suppress Cough & Aids the Mobilization of Mucus.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya 20g Muscle & Joint Rub (Pack of 20)
    Himalaya 20g Muscle & Joint Rub (Pack of 20) Original price was: $ 26.58.Current price is: $ 19.69.

    Key Features

    Himalaya Muscle & Joint Rub is Highly Effective For Backaches, Muscular Sprains & Joint Pain.

  • Enriched With Sweet Flag, Castor Oil, Red Pepper & Spearmint, It Alleviates Swelling, Sprains & Muscle & Joint Inflammation.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya 30g Himcolin Gel
    Himalaya 30g Himcolin Gel Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    Climbing Staff Tree (Jyotishmati) Relaxes Penile Vascular Smooth Muscles, Which Causes Vasodilation & Results in Penile Erection It Also Acts As a Rubefacient, Which Stimulates Sensitive Nerves of the Penis.

  • Musk Mallow (Lathakasthuri) is An Aphrodisiac Agent That Enhances Sexual Desire & Enhances Erectile Sustenance.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya 30g Pilex Ointment
    Himalaya 30g Pilex Ointment Original price was: $ 5.91.Current price is: $ 4.38.

    Key Features

    Combats Piles (Hemorrhoids): Pilex Shrinks Pile Mass, Controls Bleeding & Heals Inflamed Skin & the Mucus Membrane the Drug Offers Symptomatic Relief From Rectal Bleeding, Pain, Itchiness & Corrects Chronic Constipation Associated With Hemorrhoids Relieves Pain: the Local Analgesic Property of Pilex Relieves Pain & Ensures Pain-Free Fecal Excretion Antimicrobial: As An Antimicrobial, It Prevents Secondary Microbial Infections in the Body.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Ashvagandha 60 Tablets
    Himalaya Ashvagandha 60 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    100% Vegetarian.

  • Free From Sugar, Artificial Colors, Artificial Flavors, Preservatives & Gelatin.

    Frequently Referred to As “Indian Ginseng” Because of Its Rejuvenating Properties.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Ayurslim 60 Capsules
    Himalaya Ayurslim 60 Capsules Original price was: $ 10.34.Current price is: $ 7.66.

    Key Features

    Fenugreek Seeds Function As An Appetite Suppressant & Give a Feeling of Satiety More Quickly.

  • Garcinia is Known to Slow Down the Body’s Ability to Store Fat, Potentially Enabling More Fat From Foods to Pass Through the Body Without Being Stored.

    Indian Bdellium Has Strong Purifying & Rejuvenating Properties It Strengthens Immunity & Regulates the Body’s Lipid Level the Herb is Also Known to Reduce Cholesterol & Triglyceride Levels.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Bael 60 Tablets
    Himalaya Bael 60 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    100% Vegetarian.

  • Free From Sugar, Artificial Colors, Artificial Flavors, Preservatives & Gelatin.

    Supports Intestinal Flora & Aids Healthy Digestion.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Brahmi 60 Tablets
    Himalaya Brahmi 60 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    100% Vegetarian.

  • Free From Sugar, Artificial Colors, Artificial Flavors, Preservatives & Gelatin.

    Calms the Mind, Promotes Clarity of Thought & Helps Memory Consolidation.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Bresol 60 Tablets
    Himalaya Bresol 60 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    Combats Respiratory Disorders: the Natural Ingredients in Bresol Synergistically Act to Provide Symptomatic Relief in Allergic Respiratory Conditions Its Antihistaminic Property Manages Symptoms Associated With Respiratory Disorders.

  • The Mucolytic (Reducing the Viscosity of Mucus) & Bronchodilatory (Decreasing Resistance in the Breathing Airways) Properties of Bresol Are Helpful in Liquefying & Relieving Nasal & Bronchial Congestion Its Antimicrobial Action Combats Infections Caused by Gram-Positive & Gram-Negative Bacteria.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Confido 60 Tablets
    Himalaya Confido 60 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    Cowhage/Velvet Bean (Kapikachchu) Helps in the Management of Male Sexual Dysfunction by Increasing Sperm Count & Testosterone Levels.

  • Small Caltrops (Gokshura) Functions As An Aphrodisiac, Which Augments Semen Count & Enhances Libido the Herb is Beneficial in Erectile Dysfunction As It Strengthens the Penile Tissue Protodioscin, a Precursor of Testosterone, Found in Small Caltrops, is Converted to Dehydroepiandrosterone (Dhea) This Improves Flow-Mediated Vasodilatation of the Penile Arteries.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Cystone 60 Tablets
    Himalaya Cystone 60 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    Shilapushpa(Didymocarpus Pedicellata) is Known For Its Antilithiatic Property, Which Prevents the Formation of Urinary Stones As a Lithotriptic, Shilapushpa Helps Dissolve Kidney Stones the Herb is Also Known For Its Antimicrobial Properties.

  • Pasanabheda (Saxifraga Ligulata) Possesses Diuretic, Demulcent & Antimicrobial Properties Due to a High Content of Mucilage, Which Renders the Herb Its Demulcent Property, Pasanabheda Soothes & Protects Irritated or Inflamed Internal Tissue As a Diuretic, the Herb Helps to Flush Out Small Stones & Gravel Along With Urine.

    Small Caltrops (Gokshura) is Helpful the Management of Uro-Genital Diseases Like Kidney Stones, Bladder Infection & Other Urinary Tract Infections It Helps Promote General Urinary Tract Health by Eliminating Dysuria (Painful Urination or Blood Present in Urine) & Crystalluria Small Caltrops Prevents the Deposition, Accumulation & Supersaturation of Calculogenic Chemicals in Urine It is a Potent Antimicrobial Agent.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Diarex 30 Tablets
    Himalaya Diarex 30 Tablets Original price was: $ 5.91.Current price is: $ 4.38.

    Key Features

    Eliminates Common Pathogens & Neutralizes Toxins Responsible For Acute & Chronic Infectious Diarrhea.

  • Antidiarrheal: Diarex Contains a Host of Natural Ingredients With Antimicrobial, Antisecretory (Corrects Excessive Fluid Secretion) & Astringent Properties It Eliminates Common Pathogens & Neutralizes Toxins Responsible For Acute & Chronic Infectious Diarrhea.

    Ensures Gastrointestinal (Gi) Health: As An Antioxidant, Diarex Restores Gi Health Diarex’s Anti-Inflammatory & Demulcent Properties Facilitate Healing of the Intestinal Mucosa & Its Antispasmodic Action Alleviates Abdominal Colic Associated With Bowel Infection.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Guduchi 60 Tablets
    Himalaya Guduchi 60 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    100% Vegetarian.

  • Free From Sugar, Artificial Colors, Artificial Flavors, Preservatives & Gelatinguduchi is An Effective Treatment For a Wide Range of Fever & Other Infective Conditions.

    Augments Immune Responses to Infections by Influencing Various Immune Effector Cells & Ensures Early Recovery.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Hadjod 60 Tablets
    Himalaya Hadjod 60 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    100% Vegetarian.

  • Free From Sugar, Artificial Colors, Artificial Flavors, Preservatives & Gelatin.

    Accelerates Fracture Healing.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Herbolax 10 Capsules
    Himalaya Herbolax 10 Capsules Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    Relieves Constipation: the Natural Ingredients in Herbolax Soften the Stool & Enhance Intestinal Motility, Which Relieve Acute & Chronic Constipation Effectively Due to Its Laxative Property, the Drug Assists Excretion Without Upsetting the Fluid-Electrolyte Balance (Mineral & Water Balance) in the Body Herbolax is Non-Habit Forming & Does Not Result in Physiological Dependence.

  • Other Actions: For Effective Preradiographic Bowel Preparation, Herbolax in Conjunction With Himalaya’s Gasex, Eliminates Gas Shadows, Ensures Better Radiological Interpretation & Avoids Repeated Exposures.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Himplasia 30 Tablets
    Himalaya Himplasia 30 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    Small Caltrops (Gokshura) is Useful in Treating Bph, Genitourinary Infections, Painful Urination, Hematuria & Dysuria.

  • Cutch Tree (Puga) is Chiefly Responsible For Inhibiting the 5Α-Reductase Enzyme This Action Blocks the Conversion of Testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone, the Major Sex Hormone in Prostatic Cells Responsible For Bph.

    Three-Leaved Caper (Varuna) Relieves Post-Prostatectomy Atony of Bladder & Improves Overall Bladder Tone It Exhibits Strong Anti-Inflammatory Action That Soothes Bph-Induced Pain.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Karela 60 Tablets
    Himalaya Karela 60 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    100% Vegetarian.

  • Free From Sugar, Artificial Colors, Artificial Flavors, Preservatives & Gelatin.

    Reported to Contain Constituents That Act Like Insulin to Help Reduce Blood Sugar Levels.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Lasuna 60 Tablets
    Himalaya Lasuna 60 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    100% Vegetarian.

  • Free From Sugar, Artificial Colors, Artificial Flavors, Preservatives & Gelatin.

    Lowers Blood Lipid Levels by Modulating Key Enzymes in the Liver Responsible For Cholesterol Biosynthesis.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Liv.52 200ml DS Syrup
    Himalaya Liv.52 200ml DS Syrup Original price was: $ 10.34.Current price is: $ 7.66.

    Key Features

    It Restores the Functional Efficiency of the Liver by Protecting the Hepatic Parenchyma & Promoting Hepatocellular Regeneration.

  • Hepatoprotective Action: the Natural Ingredients in Liv52 Ds Exhibit Potent Hepatoprotective Properties Against Chemically-Induced Hepatotoxicity The Antiperoxidative Activity of Liv52 Ds Prevents the Loss of Functional Integrity of the Cell Membrane, Maintains Cytochrome P-450 (A Large & Diverse Group of Enzymes, Which Catalyze the Oxidation of Organic Substances), Hastens the Recovery Period & Ensures Early Restoration of Hepatic Functions in Infective Hepatitis It Facilitates the Rapid Elimination of Acetaldehyde (Produced by the Oxidation of Ethanol That is Popularly Believed to Cause Hangovers) & Ensures Protection From Alcohol-Induced Hepatic Damage.

    Liv52 Ds Also Diminishes the Lipotropic (Compounds That Help Catalyze the Breakdown of Fat) Effect in Chronic Alcoholism & Prevents Fatty Infiltration of the Liver in Pre-Cirrhotic Conditions, Liv52 Ds Arrests the Progress of Cirrhosis & Prevents Further Liver Damage Improves Appetite: in Anorexia & Less Than Optimal Growth & Weight Gain.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Liv.52 200ml Syrup
    Himalaya Liv.52 200ml Syrup Original price was: $ 10.34.Current price is: $ 7.66.

    Key Features

    Hepatoprotective Action: the Natural Ingredients in Liv52 Exhibit Potent Hepatoprotective Properties Against Infective Hepatitis Improves Appetite: in Less Than Optimal Growth & Weight Gain, Liv52 Normalizes the Basic Appetite-Satiety Rhythm As a Daily Health Supplement, Liv52 Improves Appetite, Digestion & Assimilation Processes & Promotes Weight Gain.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Liv.52 DS 60 Tablets
    Himalaya Liv.52 DS 60 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    Hepatoprotective Action: the Natural Ingredients in Liv52 Ds Exhibit Potent Hepatoprotective Properties Against Chemically-Induced Hepatotoxicity the Antiperoxidative Activity of Liv52 Ds Prevents the Loss of Functional Integrity of the Cell Membrane, Maintains Cytochrome P-450 (A Large & Diverse Group of Enzymes, Which Catalyze the Oxidation of Organic Substances), Hastens the Recovery Period & Ensures Early Restoration of Hepatic Functions in Infective Hepatitis.

  • It Facilitates the Rapid Elimination of Acetaldehyde (Produced by the Oxidation of Ethanol that is Popularly Believed to Cause Hangovers) & Ensures Protection From Alcohol-Induced Hepatic Damage Liv52 Ds Also Diminishes the Lipotropic (Compounds That Help Catalyze the Breakdown of Fat) Effect in Chronic Alcoholism & Prevents Fatty Infiltration of the Liver in Pre-Cirrhotic Conditions.

    Liv52 Ds Arrests the Progress of Cirrhosis & Prevents Further Liver Damage Improves Appetite: in Anorexia & Less Than Optimal Growth & Weight Gain, Liv52 Ds Normalizes the Basic Appetite-Satiety Rhythm It Also Addresses Loss of Appetite During Pregnancy As a Daily Health Supplement, Liv52 Ds Improves Appetite, Digestion & Assimilation Processes & Promotes Weight Gain.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Liv.52 HB 10 Capsules
    Himalaya Liv.52 HB 10 Capsules Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    Lowers the Overall Viral Load in Chronic Hepatitis B Infection.

  • Antiviral Action: the Natural Ingredients in Liv52 Hb Suppress Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (Hbsag) & Clears the Hepatitis B Virus (Hbv) by Reverse Transcriptase Inhibition It Significantly Lowers the Overall Viral Load in Chronic Hepatitis B Infection Further, 6 Months Extended Therapy Gives Comparatively Better Results in Terms of Viral Clearance Hepatoprotective Action: Liv52 Hb Reverses the Oxidative Damage of Hepatocytes & Exerts An Overall Hepatoprotective Action It Also Renormalizes Liver Functions Liv 52 Hb Normalizes Liver Enzyme Levels & Restores the Hepatic Glycogen Levels.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Manjishtha 60 Tablets
    Himalaya Manjishtha 60 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    Manjishtha Helps to Overcome Skin Hyperpigmentation.

  • This Herb Inhibits the Enzyme Tyrosinase Which is Responsible For Melanin Production.

    The Detoxifying & Potent Antioxidant Properties of Manjishtha Lessen Cell Damage Caused by Free Radicals.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Oxitard 10 Capsules
    Himalaya Oxitard 10 Capsules Original price was: $ 4.43.Current price is: $ 3.28.

    Key Features

    Prevents Photodamage & Oxidation-Related Tissue Damage.

  • Antioxidant: Oxidative Stress Can Lead to Coronary Artery Disease, Dermatosis & Diabetes Mellitus Amongst Other Ailments Due to Its Potent Antioxidant Properties, Oxitard Prevents Photodamage & Oxidation-Related Tissue Damage Gastroprotective: Oxitard’s Gastroprotective Property Protects the Body From Mucosal Damage, Which Ensures Optimum Gastrointestinal Health Immunomodulatory: the Drug Strengthens Immunity & Enhances the Body’s Ability to Fight Infections.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Reosto 30 Tablets
    Himalaya Reosto 30 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    Alleviates Swelling & Pain Associated With Bone Fractures & Osteoporosis.

  • Manages Osteoporosis: Phytoestrogens in Reosto Inhibit Bone Resorption (Breaking Down of Bones) Reosto Also Negates the Bone Resorptive Effects of Parathyroid Hormones & Prostaglandins the Drug is Rich in Elemental Calcium, Which Helps in Better Bioavailability of the Mineral this Allows the Optimum Amount of Mineral to Be Absorbed Into the Bone Reosto Stimulates Bone Formation & Prevents the Risk of Osteoporotic Fractures.

    Anti-Inflammatory: Due to Its Anti-Inflammatory Action, Reosto Alleviates Swelling & Pain Associated With Bone Fractures & Osteoporosis.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Shallaki 60 Tablets
    Himalaya Shallaki 60 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    100% Vegetarian.

  • Free From Sugar, Artificial Colors, Artificial Flavors, Preservatives & Gelatin.

    The Analgesic Properties of Shallaki Help Alleviate Arthritic Pain & Improve Joint Function.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Shatavari 60 Tablets
    Himalaya Shatavari 60 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    100% Vegetarian.

  • Free From Sugar, Artificial Colors, Artificial Flavors, Preservatives & Gelatin.

    A Prized Herb in Ayurveda Used For Thousands of Years As a Female Reproductive Tonic.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Shigru 60 Tablets
    Himalaya Shigru 60 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    100% Vegetarian.

  • Free From Sugar, Artificial Colors, Artificial Flavors, Preservatives & Gelatin.

    Improves Blood Circulation in Joints.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Shuddha Guggulu 60 Tablets
    Himalaya Shuddha Guggulu 60 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    100% Vegetarian.

  • Free From Sugar, Artificial Colors, Artificial Flavors, Preservatives & Gelatin.

    Supports Healthy Weight by Regulating Metabolism by Enhancing Thyroid Function.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Speman 60 Tablets
    Himalaya Speman 60 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    Hygrophilia (Kokilaksha) is Beneficial in Treating Impotence, Spermatorrhea & Seminal Debilities.

  • Small Caltrops (Gokshura) Contains Protodioscin (A Steroidal Saponin Compound) Which Converts to Dehydroepiandrosterone (Dhea) in the Body, a Precursor of Testosterone, Which Improves Sexual Desire & Sustains Penile Erection.

    Cowhage/Velvet Bean (Kapikachchu) is An Aphrodisiac, Which Supports the Production of Hormones Associated With the ‘Pleasure System’ of the Brain the Herb is a Prophylactic (Preventative) Against Oligospermia (Low Sperm Count).

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Styplon 30 Tablets
    Himalaya Styplon 30 Tablets Original price was: $ 5.91.Current price is: $ 4.38.

    Key Features

    Contains Natural Antioxidants That Correct Local Tissue Oxidative Damage.

  • Hemostatic: Styplon’s Hemostatic Property Controls Local Tissue Hemorrhage Effectively the Natural Ingredients Are Also Vasoconstrictors, Which Stops Capillary Blood Flow Demulcent: Styplon Contains Herbs Which Are Demulcent Demulcent Herbs Have a High Content of Mucilage, Which Soothes & Protects Irritated or Inflamed Internal Tissues It Also Helps Heal the Wounds More.

    Quickly Antioxidant: Oxidative Stress Causes Tissue Injury, Which Can Result in Hemorrhage Styplon Contains Natural Antioxidants That Correct Local Tissue Oxidative Damage.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Tagara 60 Tablets
    Himalaya Tagara 60 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    100% Vegetarian.

  • Free From Sugar, Artificial Colors, Artificial Flavors, Preservatives & Gelatin.

    Provides Sedative & Sleep-Enhancing Properties.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Tentex Forte 10 Tablets
    Himalaya Tentex Forte 10 Tablets Original price was: $ 4.43.Current price is: $ 3.28.

    Key Features

    Shilajeet Acts As An Adaptogen & Rejuvenates the Body in Order to Improve Sexual Function.

  • Winter Cherry (Ashvagandha) is a Potent Adaptogen, Which Relieves Mental Stress, a Key Contributor of Poor Sexual Performance It is An Effective Antioxidant That Helps in Alleviating Male Sexual Dysfunction.

    Cowhage/Velvet Bean (Kapikachchu) is An Aphrodisiac, That Supports the Production of Hormones Associated With the ‘Pleasure System’ of the Brain the Herb is a Prophylactic (Preventative) Against Oligospermia (Low Sperm Count).

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Tentex Royal 10 Capsules
    Himalaya Tentex Royal 10 Capsules Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    Almond (Vatada) is An Aphrodisiac It Significantly Increases Sperm Motility & Sperm Count Without Producing Any Spermatotoxic Effects.

  • Small Caltrops (Gokshura) is Beneficial in Erectile Dysfunction Protodioscin, a Precursor of Testosterone Found in Small Caltrops, is Converted to Dehydroepiandrosterone (Dhea) in the Body, Which Improves Flow-Mediated Dilation of the Penile Arteries This Results in the Relaxation of Vascular Smooth Muscles, Which Enhances Erection.

    Hygrophilia (Kokilaksha) Releases Nitric Oxide (No) From Endothelium & Nitrergic Nerve Endings of the Penis, Relaxing the Cavernosal (A Sponge-Like Area Around the Penis That Has Most of the Blood During Erection) Muscles & Increasing Penile Blood Flow This is Helpful in Correcting Erectile Dysfunction.

  • -26%Limited
    Himalaya Triphala 60 Tablets
    Himalaya Triphala 60 Tablets Original price was: $ 8.86.Current price is: $ 6.56.

    Key Features

    100% Vegetarian.

  • Free From Sugar, Artificial Colors, Artificial Flavors, Preservatives & Gelatin.

    Supports Normal Detoxification of the Bowels & Aids Normal Bowel Movements.

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