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- SDI SeT PP 50 Capsules Shade A2 $ 62.85
High fluoride releaseSeT?s free movement of fluoride provides benefits to the tooth. Fluoride plays several significant roles in any caries-prevention program. These include the formation of fluorapatite, which is more acid-resistant than hydroxyapatite. Fluorapatite is harder than other tooth minerals. It helps to provide protection from tooth decay.Fast and easySeT is an all-in-one luting cement. It etches, bonds, and fills with just one component. Simply apply seT and seat your restoration. seT produces a low film thickness and fluidity to seat cemented restorations.RadiopacityDetectable on x-ray radiographs, seT is great for recalls when margins are regularly checked for integrityMinimal to no postoperative sensitivitySeT does not require separate etching and washing. The smear layer remains intact to protect the tooth. This dramatically reduces, if not eliminates, post-operative sensitivityChoice of delivery tipsSeT PP syringes can be adapted for a variety of delivery options. The regular mixing tips are predominantly used for dispensing into crown and bridge. In conjunction with a wide mixing tip, endodontic and intraoral tips are also available.Dual cureDesigned to combine the advantages of light curing and self-curing, seT is the ideal luting cement for most of your cementation needsNo Bisphenol A or HEMASeT does not contain any Bisphenol A (including its derivatives) or HEMA. Use this product on your patients with confidence and peace of mind.