Dr. Toms Easy Braces For Kids

Original price was: $ 21.88.Current price is: $ 18.75.

Toms Easy Braces For Kids for correction of malalignment.

2 - 5 $ 18.56
6 - 10 $ 18.38
11 - 20 $ 18.00
21 - 50 $ 17.81
51 + $ 17.44
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  • Easy Braces allows orthodontic treatment to be started at an early age.
  • Many a time this treatment avoids the need for extraction during the future orthodontic treatment & hence improves the patient compliance.
  • It can be used during the growth period for the correction of alignment.
  • Brings downs the time required for orthodontic correction considerably.
  • Correction of all habits such as thumb sucking, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, bruxism, lip biting etc. results in the improvement of dental & skeletal alignment.
  • It enhances the stability of final orthodontic treatment results.
  • Soft & flexible material ensures a comfortable fit & prevents appliance breakage & also eliminate soft tissue trauma such as ulcers and tissue abrasions.


Easy Braces was developed to bring about tooth guidance effects as well as have a functional effect too. The appliance has been designed using CAD/CAM techniques.

The appliance is soft and are shaped in the form of the normal parabolic shape of the dental arches that can straighten a five to seven year old childs permanent front teeth as they erept in to the mouth by using natural dental eruptive forces.

The appliance can help eliminate buckteeth (overjet), crowding, overbite, openbite and harmful bad habits like thumb sucking, Finger sucking, Tongue thrusting, Abnormal swallowing habits, Speech defects, Respiratory abnormalities (e.g., Mouth breathing), Tonsils & adenoids, Bruxisim, Lip Biting etc

With the advent of easy braces the treatment can now be started at an early age about six years i.e. at the beginning of the mixed dentition period & a favorable result can be expected.

For Children upto 6 – 13 Years.

Advantages :

  • Minor malalignments & habits can be corrected with this appliance
  • In many cases extractions can also be avoided.
  • Its unique retentive features prevents it from falling out while sleeping.
  • The patented design ensures comfortable fit & helps increasing the patients compliance.

How EASY BRACES Acts As A Habit Breaking Appliance ?

The oral screen like structure enveloping the teeth buccally / labially help in treating the mouth breathing or thumb sucking habits. This allows for the child to shift from oral to nasal breating, which in turn allows the nasal passages to develop and the plate to descend.

The maxillary arch therefore tends to develop into a shallow arch and a U shaped arch develops due to the parabolic natural like shape of the appliance. Promotion of development of a U shaped arch allows an increase in the inter-canine dimensions of the mandible, thereby allowing resolution of mandibular anterior crowding.

Small projections on the labial aspect of the oral screen like structure in the region relating to the mandibular anteriors (labial grip), behaves as a lip bumber or mentalis stretcher, which in turn deactivate an over active mentalis muscle, thereby allowing a mandibular anterior flat arch to develop into a rounded one and thereby increasing arch perimeter. It also allows the perioral group of muscles to become normotonic thereby ensuring a lip seal.

A tongue spikes has also been incorporated in the maxillary palatal aspect, which is used to train aberrant tongue habits such as retained infantile or tongue thrust cases. Thus, the imbalance of forces acting on the developing arches if any from the lingual aspect are also taken care of.

The tooth channels for upper and lower teeth are designed in such a way so as to behave like an activator guiding the teeth into the occlusion.


  • 1 x Easy Braces 

Direction to Use

Patient Co-Operation And Motivation

With the appliance practice the child the action of putting in and removing the appliances and doing the lip exercises. In this way the unforced closing of the mouth is achieved and nasal breathing assured. Parents must also be made aware of the need for any more comprehensive orthodontic treatment which may be necessary at a later stage.

  • Appliance must be worn every night and also for a few hours during the day (Eg. While doing homework, watching television or playing computer).
  • Night use is very essential and should be started only when the child is accustomed to day time use, usually done after 1 to 2 weeks.
  • If it falls out while sleeping dont panic. This is a training programme and once it stays in all night that is a major success.
  • Some retentive straps or some towel can be used initially to hold the mandible firmly in position to prevent the appliance from falling out while sleeping.
  • However this can be stopped once the child is fully trained.

Lower Anterior Crowding

Easy Braces can correct upto 4 mm of crowding in the lower jaw provided deciduous molars in the back of the mouth are still present. Easy Braces when used at the early age of 7 – 10 years can often prevent extraction of permanent teeth which is frequently recommended to correct crowding when the treatment is postponed until most of the childs permanent teeth are present around 12 years of age. In case of early loss of deciduous molars the posterior tooth guiding slots prevents the mesial migration of first permanant molar and thus Easy Braces acts as a SPACE MAINTAINER.

Class II Excessive overjet

Easy Braces can correct the severity of the overjet within 4-10 months of active treatment. Patient has a severe overjet of about 7 mm with protruding upper anteriors which is caused by the habit of mouth breathing. About 2-4 hours of excercise or biting force each day and overnight wear over a period of 8-10 months brought down the degree of severity in overjet to about 2 mm. After the 8-10 months of active treatment period approximately one year of retention period is needed when the appliance is worn just at night to maintain the correction that has been obtained during the active treatment period.

Class II – Excessive overjet with spacing and deepbite

An overjet of about 5 mm was brought down 2 mm with in one year of about 2 hours of daytime wear and 8-10 hours while sleeping. Patients with severe mouthbreathing may experience the problem of appliance falling out while sleeping in the initial stages. Some means of holding the mandible lightly to the upper jaw enables the treatment to continue. For eg. tying a towel around the head and mandible.


Deepbite is the most common orthodontic problem that causes looseness and loss of front teeth. It is also highly associated with poor jaw function and periodontal problems. Treatment should ideally begin as the lower front adult teeth first erupt into the mouth (about the age of 5-6 years). But can still be treated successfully even though a few of the front adult teeth are already present in the mouth. The tooth guiding slots present in the posterior part of Easy Braces allows the supraeruption of posteriors there by corrects the excessive overbite in such patients.

Open Bite

Caused by thumb sucking and the compensatory anterior tongue thrust that follows it. An openbite if not corrected when the front adult teeth first erupt becomes a very difficult orthodontic problem to correct. The appliance corrected the anterior open bite in about two years of active treatment. The upper anteriors were guided to erupt into proper plane once the habit of thumb sucking and tongue thrusting was corrected.

Spacing between teeth

Spaces are frequently present with an overbite or ovejet problem. Upto 4 mm of spacing can be corrected in the growing child in about 6-10 months of Easy Braces treatment. Many other problems such as anterior crossbite, midline diastema, temporomandibular joint problems can also frequently be corrected with this treatment.

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