Parkell Blu – Mousse 60sec. Split Cartridge Set S440S

Original price was: $ 64.98.Current price is: $ 42.75.

Exceptional accuracy, 60-second set, Plaster-like hardness, Dependable, no-slump consistency, Does it all from conventional bite registration techniques to modern-day digital impressions

2 - 5 $ 42.32
6 - 10 $ 41.90
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  • Exceptional accuracy
  • 60-second set
  • Plaster-like hardness
  • Dependable, no-slump consistency
  • Does it all from conventional bite registration techniques to modern-day digital impressions
  • Description

    Bite registrations, matrices, model bases, bite plates and now CAD scanning capabilitieshe uses for Blu-Mousse just keep growing!
    For over twenty years, Blu-Mousse has been a favorite VPS material in dental offices world-wide. Originally intended as a bite registration material, Blu-Mousse has evolved into a VPS with a an-doattitude.

    It an ideal material for use as a matrix when fabricating both direct and indirect provisionals. Blu-Mousse, when used with our low-viscosity die silicone, has seen incredible success with the Laminar Flow/Closed Mouth impression technique. Furthermore, it functions as a fantastic rigid tray material for tray-free impressions or stabilizing plastic quadrant trays when partnered with low-viscosity VPS materials. Blu-Mousse sets to a super-stiff hardness registering.

    It turns out that we can add scannability to Blu-Mousse achievements. Use it as a tooth-positioning index on a C-Stat Camera Stabilizer. Create a scannable occlusal index for CEREC and E4D systems that is incredibly accurate down to the most minute detail.

    Blu-Mousse remains one of the most accurate, most stable bite registration materials in dentistry. And even though the versatility of Blu-Mousse seems limitless, it is still the light, fluffy VPS material we created it to be. With its whipped cream texture, it offers no resistance when a patient bites down, so it won trigger any reflexes that would affect the integrity of your bite registration.

    • For use in occlusal biteregistrations
    • Transfer impressions
    • Instant bite rims
    • Double-arch
    • One-stage or two-stage impressions (as the tray material)

    Key Specifications


    • Avoid excessive heat, light, moisture or freezing.
    • Store and use Blu-Mousse at room temperature (18?-24? C /64?-75?F). If extended time is required, material may be chilled. Coldmaterial may be difficult to express, and take longer to cure. Excessheat will shorten shelf life.
    • After initial use, store in a cool, dark place with used mixing tip tightly
      screwed on. Do not replace mixing tip until ready for next use, anddo not re-use the original cap.
    • Excessive or rapid gun force or mixing tip blockage may causecartridge rupture. To avoid injury or property damage, slow andsteady pressure should be applied to the dispensing gun.
    • Avoid contact with latex or sulfur-containing ubberproducts,(latexrubber gloves or dams), which may inhibit the set of VPSmaterials. Nitrile or vinyl gloves are acceptable.
    • Avoid hemostatic agents with sulfates (e.g. Aluminum Sulfate,Ferric Subsulfate). If field is contaminated with these products,scrub with 5% hydrogen peroxide on gauze or cotton for 15seconds, and rinse with copious water before impressioning.
    • Vinyl polysiloxanes like Mousse are not compatible with polysulfideor polyether materials.
    • Allergic reactions may occur in susceptible individuals. Flushaffected tissues with copious water and consult a physician.
    • Blu-Mousse sets almost as hard as plaster. It should not beused wherever undercuts may cause locking of the impression, suchas full-arch tooth impressions, periodontally-involved teeth,or impressions involving pontics. Flexible Green-Mousse maybe preferable
    • Avoid use of rim-locking metal trays with Blu-Mousse, as these
      trays will be extremely difficult to remove if the Blu-Mousse locks
      into dental undercuts. Block out or lubricate undercuts beforeimpressioning, using wax, petroleum jelly or other materials.
    • Packaging

    • 2 x50ml Split Cartridge
    • Mixing tips
    • Direction of use


      1. Insert Mousse cartridge into impression gun. Twist off and discardthe sealing cap. Bleed about ?of material from both orifices,ensuring that it is extruding evenly from both holes. Wipe the endsclean, avoiding cross contamination. Attach appropriate mixing tipand tighten ? turn.

      2. When ready for use, bleed a small amount of Mousse thru themixer onto a pad and immediately dispense the material for thedesired application.

      3. Wait the appropriate time and remove the set impression with aquick, firm motion. Use the chart above to determine the correctsetting time.

      4. Do not reuse the shipping cap. Leave the used mixing tip on thecartridge as the new sealing cap.

      5. The cartridge, used mixing tip and dispensing gun should not bedirectly sprayed with or soaked in disinfectant. They can be cleanedof debris with a damp paper towel, disinfected by wiping with a papertowel that has been saturated with an EPA-registered low-level(HIV/HBV claim) to intermediate-level (tuberculocidal claim) hospitaldisinfectant, wiped of chemical residue with a water-damp papertowel, and dried. Utilize the surface disinfecting protocol of thedisinfectant manufacturer. Consult for the most
      recent version of the uidelines for Infection Control in DentalHealth-Care Settings

      6. Store the Mousse cartridge horizontally until the next use.

      7. Parkell Quick-Pour formula allows Mousse impressions to bepoured in any dental stone in 15 minutes, up to 30 days later.


      1. Dispense equal lengths of base and catalyst (1:1) onto acoated mixing pad. Altering the ratio will impair final set.Recap tubes immediately.

      2. Mix quickly by hand with clean spatula until color is uniform andstreak-free, with no air bubbles. Load the material into theappropriate dispensing syringe and dispense it immediately.


      1. Mousse material may be dispensed directly from a mixing tip orsyringe onto the biting surfaces of teeth, or into a conventionaldisposable plastic tray, or a side-less tray, or a in 1tray.

      2. All bites should be protected with padding during shipping to the lab
      to preserve their accuracy.


      What else can Blu-Mousse do?

      • It turns out that we can add scannability to Blu-Mousse achievements. Use it as a tooth-positioning index on a C-Stat Camera Stabilizer (CEREC? D). Create a scannable occlusal index for CEREC? and E4D systems that is incredibly accurate down to the most minute detail.

        Of course, wee proud to say that Blu-Mousse remains one of the most accurate, most stable bite registration materials in dentistry. And even though the versatility of Blu-Mousse seems limitless, it is still the light, fluffy VPS material we created it to be. With its whipped cream texture, it offers no resistance when a patient bites down, so it won trigger any reflexes that would affect the integrity of your bite registration.

    1. We offer Worldwide Shipping by Courier via Air or Sea mode.
    2. Product will be dispatched within 5-7 working days.
    3. Delivery will take a maximum of 7-15 days, based on the shipping option you choose.
    4. Kindly check customs restrictions and rules in your country for specific products, mostly 99% shipments are cleared and delivered smoothly.
    5. For Bulk inquiries or customized manufacturing please contact us.

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