
The Most Profitable Livestock to Raise In Your Farm


There’s no doubt that raising livestock is a profitable business but it has to be taken serious. Raising livestock is a full time job that requires dedication and a lot of investing. You will have to spend money on buying your livestock, feed, equipment, land, labor and veterinarian expenses. But that shouldn’t discourage you from raising livestock because the rewards will cover all those costs and give you profits.

Almost all types of livestock can bring you profits when done right but in this article we will cover how to raise chickens, goats and cattle just to get you started.

– Chickens

Chickens are no doubt one of the easiest livestock to raise which is why a lot of people are raising them. Organic chicken meat and eggs have a high demand in the markets. Chicken products can easily be marketed to local stores and sold to friends or neighbors.

The nice thing about raising chickens is that you don’t need a lot of space to raise them and they also eat less when compared to other livestock. Just build them a simple chicken coop where they can sleep and lay some eggs. And also make sure you give them food and water on daily bases.

– Goats

Goat meat is eaten by almost 70% of the world’s population. Goat meat is also in demand in the United States which mostly imports the meat. This means that there is room for local farmers to raise goats for meat and fill the need.

But not only can you raise goats for meat, goat milk is high in demand as well. Reason being it has a lot of proteins then cow milk and is used to produce a lot of products like candy, yogurt and soaps. The fur can be sold as well to produce cloths and bags.

Raising goats requires that you first build a pen for them to rest and be protected. Some grazing land is required as well for them to eat grass and other plants. Also make sure you make regular checkups on them for illnesses and pregnant ones.

– Cattle

There’s no doubt that cattle have a large market not only in the United States but all over the world. They are relatively low-maintenance livestock with their organically raised beef and milk in high demand.

In order to raise cattle you have to have some large land for them to graze and eat grass. You also have to supply them with lots of water because they drink a lot of water not only to survive but to digest the food they eat.

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