natural giardiasis remedies

Natural Treatment For Giardia

Giardia is a protozoal parasite that thrives in outdoor water sources, making it highly prevalent in lakes, streams, and other natural bodies of water. The contamination of these water sources occurs as wild animals, residing high up in the watershed, shed the parasite. As the water flows downstream, it becomes further contaminated by other animals living in close proximity to it. This continuous contamination cycle poses a risk to any dog or cat that drinks from these water sources, as they are likely to ingest the cysts of the Giardia parasite.

The ingestion of Giardia cysts initiates a complex lifecycle within the animal’s body. Once inside, the cysts hatch, grow, and reproduce, leading to various symptoms. The most common symptom is profuse and uncontrollable diarrhea, often characterized by its watery consistency and occasionally accompanied by blood and mucus.

Treatment Options for Giardia

Traditionally, the most commonly used drugs to treat Giardia in dogs and cats are metronidazole, an antibiotic, and fenbendazole, a dewormer. However, it is important to note that these drugs are approximately 70% effective, meaning they only work about 70% of the time. This efficacy rate leaves room for some parasites to survive, potentially leading to recurrent infections even after treatment.

Natural Protocol for Treating Giardia

ir?t=shortfeedshq 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07GRMQLGKFortunately, there exists a natural protocol for eliminating Giardia that has been successfully employed in cats and dogs. This protocol focuses on using digestive enzymes to target the parasites within the intestines. By administering digestive enzymes on an empty stomach, the enzymes can effectively break down any foreign substances present, including parasites such as Giardia. Additionally, this protocol has shown promise in treating other protozoal parasites, including Coccidia, Toxoplasma, Cryptosporidia, Neosporum, and Tritrichomonas foetus.

To follow this natural protocol, you will need a bottle of digestive enzymes, preferably of plant or fungi origin, and one or more syringes. It is recommended to acquire 3 or 6 cc syringes from your veterinarian without needles. When selecting a digestive enzyme product, ensure it contains essential enzymes such as protease, amylase, and lipase, which aid in digesting protein, starch, and fat, respectively. One widely available product suitable for this protocol is Prozyme, which can be found in many pet stores and online retailers.

Administration of Digestive Enzymes

To begin the treatment, it is crucial to administer the digestive enzymes on an empty stomach. If your pet has access to food throughout the day, this protocol will not be effective. Instead, feeding your pet in meals, at least 30 to 60 minutes after each dose of enzymes, is recommended. The absence of food ensures that the enzymes can focus on targeting the parasites within the intestines, as any presence of food would divert their attention and allow the parasites to thrive undisturbed.

To administer the enzymes, prepare a slurry by mixing one capsule of enzymes with a small amount of water. Use the syringe to deliver the slurry directly into your pet’s mouth. The easiest method is to insert the syringe in the corner of the mouth, between or behind the teeth, and gently squirt the slurry. Although the mixture may not taste unpleasant, cats, in particular, can be resistant to taking medications. It is essential to handle your pet with care but maintain firmness during the administration process.

Treatment Protocol

ir?t=shortfeedshq 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B0BL43MBQKThe treatment protocol consists of two rounds, each with a specific dosing schedule.

Round 1: Give a dose of digestive enzymes 1/2 to 1 hour before the morning and evening meals, and administer another dose at bedtime. After each dose, remember to disassemble the syringe and rinse it clean to prevent residue buildup, which can cause the plunger to stick. Repeat this treatment daily for 8 days.

Rest Period: After completing the initial 8-day treatment, it is necessary to take a break for 1 week. This rest period allows time for any Giardia cysts that may have developed resistance to hatch.

Round 2: Following the rest period, resume the digestive enzyme treatment for another 7 days. This second round further ensures the elimination of any remaining parasites.


In conclusion, the natural protocol of using digestive enzymes to treat Giardia in dogs and cats offers a safer and more effective alternative to traditional drug treatments. By administering the enzymes on an empty stomach, pet owners can harness the power of these natural substances to target and eliminate the parasites within the intestines. Based on 15 years of experience as a veterinarian, this protocol has proven successful in treating Giardia and has been utilized to clear catteries with infected kittens. Embracing this natural approach can provide peace of mind, knowing that you are effectively addressing the Giardia infection in your beloved pets.


Q1: How long does it take for the natural protocol to eliminate Giardia?

The natural protocol for treating Giardia using digestive enzymes typically involves an initial 8-day treatment followed by a 1-week rest period and then a second 7-day treatment. It is essential to complete the full protocol to ensure the elimination of the parasite. However, individual responses may vary, and some cases may require additional rounds of treatment. Monitoring your pet’s symptoms and consulting with a veterinarian can provide guidance on the duration of treatment needed.

Q2: Can the natural protocol be used for other types of parasites?

While the natural protocol discussed in this article has primarily been employed for treating Giardia, it has shown potential for targeting other protozoal parasites such as Coccidia, Toxoplasma, Cryptosporidia, Neosporum, and Tritrichomonas foetus. The digestive enzymes used in the protocol aid in breaking down foreign substances in the intestines, making them effective against various parasites. However, it is always advisable to consult with a veterinarian for specific treatment recommendations for different parasite infections.

Q3: Are there any side effects associated with the use of digestive enzymes?

In general, digestive enzymes are considered safe for use in pets when administered correctly. However, as with any treatment, individual sensitivities and reactions may occur. It is recommended to closely monitor your pet during the treatment period and consult with a veterinarian if you observe any concerning symptoms or changes in behavior. Additionally, ensure that the digestive enzyme product used is pure and does not contain any additives or supplements that could cause adverse effects.

Q4: Can the natural protocol be used for puppies and kittens?

The natural protocol using digestive enzymes can be employed for puppies and kittens infected with Giardia. However, it is crucial to adjust the dosage according to their weight and age. Consult with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate dosage and ensure the treatment is suitable for the age and health status of the young animals.

Q5: What should I do if the natural protocol doesn’t work for my pet?

While the natural protocol using digestive enzymes has been effective for many cases of Giardia, individual responses can vary. If you have diligently followed the treatment protocol and your pet’s symptoms persist or worsen, it is advisable to consult with a veterinarian. They can assess the situation, conduct further diagnostic tests if necessary, and provide alternative treatment options to address the Giardia infection effectively.

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