Jungles have continuously fascinated many people especially young kids. The jungle is the home to several animals and the list of jungle animals is quite long.
List of Jungle Animals that are Mammals
1. Baboon – There are many kinds of baboons. They vary in size. Some of them can grow up to forty seven inches in height and can weigh up to ninety pounds. They eat grasses, roots and fruits. They also eat some meat like rodents and small birds.
2. Bears – This mammal belongs to the family of animals called Ursidae. This animal can found mostly in the countries situated in the north hemisphere. Some of their species include grizzly bear, panda, brown bear, polar bear, and black bear. The polar bear is totally carnivorous. The panda however is totally herbivorous.
3. Cheetah – This is the fastest mammal on earth. They can run on a speed of zero to sixty miles per hour. They can do this in a matter of seconds. It can reach up to four feet in length. This animal is usually found in Asian and African jungles. This animal is totally carnivorous. It only eats meat and it hunts for food during the day.
4. Chimpanzee – This is an intelligent animal. They usually live on the grasslands of the jungle. They usually eat plants. It also eats insects.
5. Deer – This animal lives in the North and South American jungles. The male deer sheds its horns each year. The biggest species of the deer is called the Elk. This can be found in North American jungles..
6. Elephant – This is the largest jungle animal that lives on land. There are two species namely, Asian elephants and African elephants. The Asian elephants are slightly smaller than the African ones. They can weigh up to eleven thousand pounds.
List of Jungle Animals that are Birds
1. Coraciiformes – This species of birds can be characterized by their toes which are pointed. Ninety percent of this species is made up of Kingfishers. The hornbill also belongs to this species.
2. Falconiformes – This bird specie is prominent because of its beak. It has a sharp beak. Its legs are very strong. It can also soar very high in the skies. There are two hundred ninety species of this kind. The smallest bird is the Falconet which lives in Thailand. The big Falconiformes are eagles, vultures and falcons.
3. Galliformes – This bird specie is characterized by its fat built and thick bill. This bird feeds mainly on plants. There are two hundred fifty species of this bird. Some of them are turkeys, grouses and quails.
List of Jungle Animals that are Insects
1. Ants – These are insects that have a node structure. They also have antennae. There are twelve thousand species of this jungle animal. This can be found not just in the jungles but in grasslands and wetlands as well.
2. Bees – This is a flying insect. This animal is popular for producing honey. It facilitates pollination for the flowers. There are nine bee families.
3. Butterflies – This is the animal that fascinates a lot of people. This animal has an interesting life cycle. It starts as a larva then it becomes a caterpillar and then it turns to a chrysalis and finally it becomes a butterfly.
4. Spiders – This animal belongs to the arthropod family because of its eight legs. It has a fang and it spits out venom. There are one hundred nine kinds of spiders all over the world. The biggest one is the Goliath bird -eating spider.
List of Jungle Animals that are Reptiles
1. Alligator – This is a reptile that you can find in several jungles including China and America. It can reach a length of up to thirteen feet. It feeds on panthers, bears and deers.
2. Crocodile – This is the largest reptile you can find in the jungles of Africa, Australia and America. They usually live in fresh water like lakes and large rivers.
3. Lizards – This is a reptile that is commonly found in many countries. This animal belongs to the family called Squamate. The Komodo Dragon is the biggest lizard.
4. Snakes – This is a cold blooded animal. There are two thousand nine hundred kinds of snakes. There are snakes that have poisonous venom like the King Cobra. Pythons are snakes that can swallow bigger animals like zebras and deer.