
Closantel Sodium Dihydrate BP

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Specifications – Closantel Sodium Dihydrate BP

ProductClosantel Sodium Dihydrate BP
CAS No.[61438-64-0]
Molecular formulaC22H13Cl2I2N2NaO2
Molecular weight685.06 g / mol
DescriptionYellow powder, slightly hygroscopic.
A] By IRThe IR spectrum of test sample should be concordant with IR spectrum of similar preparation of Closantel sodium dihydrate of working standard.
B] Sodium testPositive test for sodium.
Appearance of solutionThe solution should be clear and not more intensely colored than reference solution GY4.
WaterBetween 4.8 % and 5.8 %.
AssayBetween 98.5 % and 101.5 %.


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